
Expect Respect


Expect Respect

For those of you that follow the CCCU Sustainability Facebook and Twitter pages – you would’ve seen that myself (Amanda Elliott), Megan Cork and Claire Richardson, all part of the sustainability team have taken a pledge to Expect Respect.

Expect Respect is a university-wide movement that is encouraging students and staff to pledge, understand, challenge, reflect, report and support respect for yourself and those around you.


Taking a pledge allows us to all come together. To have the power to stand up for university values and make it clear that as a community we expect respect and have zero tolerance for bullying or harassment in any way, shape or form, including that of a sexual nature.


Talk to people about what respect means to you, how it makes people feel and why it is not okay. Carry on the movement with words. Always know that there is support available – whether you are going through something  yourself or know someone that is.


If you see harassment of any kind taking place and you feel safe enough to challenge it, sign up for Bystander Training which is put in place by CCCU’s community liaison. Even if you haven’t seen it – this is still worth signing up for. This will give you the knowledge to stand up for those around you and yourself.


Always think about your own actions and those around you. Harassment may not always be intentional – but if someone is intimidated then that needs to be understood.


Canterbury Christ Church University takes any reports of any kind of incident very seriously. If you witness anything, or are involved in something yourself, do not hesitate how to report this issue.


No one should ever be made to feel uncomfortable by another individual or should never have to put up with sexual harassment.

Find out about how we can support you at:   (link)

To make your pledge, simply log on to the Canterbury Christ Church University main website and search for Expect Respect, with more information about the movement.

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