We are always looking at ways to improve, so we’re holding an informal feedback session on Tuesday 10 December, 11am-3pm on the ground floor of Augustine House.
Studying and borrowing books in the winter holidays
If you are thinking about studying in the library or borrowing library items over the
winter holidays, here’s what you need to know.
A new addition to your Digital Library: BFI Player
Discover your Digital Library! BFI Player now available through LibrarySearch! Happy Viewing.
Deciding which journal to publish in
What to think about when deciding where to publish The choice of where to publish typically comes down to three main factors:1. Journal prestige and impact factor2. Relevance to the […]
A brief introduction to Dimensions
What is Dimensions? Dimensions is a database that offers the most comprehensive collection of linked data in a single platform; from grants, publications, datasets and clinical trials to patents and policy […]
Support for systematic reviews: Cochrane Interactive Learning
Are you tackling a systematic review but not sure where to start? Struggling to define your review question or come up with a clear search strategy? The Library subscribes to Cochrane […]
We’ve heard you – Improving the study environment in Augustine House
A look at the changes made to improve the study environment in Augustine house based on student feedback.
Archive Zine Project: Canterbury Coll*A*ge – a participants view
Our latest archival zine project was taken on by student volunteers Angie Majnic-Lane and Evie Loos-Page. The zine is available to download now, so here’s what the experience was like […]
New: Library Research Support podcast!
CCCU researchers, do you want to know about research support but don’t have time to read our webpages? Now you can listen to our podcast instead! This first episode is […]