We are always looking at ways to improve, so we’re holding an informal feedback session on Monday 17 March, ground floor of Augustine House.
We have boosted our Customer Service Excellence accreditation!
We are delighted to share that we have secured our fifth year of Customer Service Excellence accreditation following the annual audit.
This Valentine’s Day… are you feeling the love or feeling let down?
Take part in a fun five minute Valentine’s Day themed feedback activity. Come to the ground floor of Augustine House anytime from 11:00 – 16:00 to take part.
We’ve heard you – Improving the study environment in Augustine House
A look at the changes made to improve the study environment in Augustine house based on student feedback.
This Halloween, don’t be afraid… to leave us your feedback
Drop by our table on the ground floor of Augustine House on Thursday 31 October any time between 11:00 and 16:00 to take part in our feedback event.
We’ve heard you – Improving access to library resources
Find out about new resources in the library and improvements to help you discover them.
ADHD Awareness Month 2023 – We Heard You!
A successful ADHD Awareness Month display told us that ADHD was a topic that mattered to you, so now we have updated our collection to reflect your interest.
We’ve heard you: Group Study Rooms
We conducted a survey to see how we could make it easier to book group study rooms at AH. Based on responses, we have made a few changes to our booking systems.