In this next blog, part of our transferable skills series, we’re talking all about time management and punctuality.
Let’s face it, at some point, we have all listed “good time management” and “punctual” on our CV’s – but how often is this really the case? All too regularly, candidates will populate their CV with these skills but fall flat when it comes to demonstrating these abilities.
Firstly, lets unpack the difference between time management and punctuality.
1- Punctuality is the habit of being on time – whether that be for the start of your working day or for a meeting. Being punctual would also incorporate meeting deadlines. Punctuality is an important part of time management.
2- Time management is defined as the process of organising and planning your time, dedicating an amount of time to a certain activity. Having good punctuality will help your time management massively; meaning you have devoted time to ensure you meet deadlines as arranged, know exactly when a meeting is taking place and can shape your working day accordingly.
Time management and punctuality will help you be a top-notch employee. They’re important skills to have to be sure that you hit your targets, reach your goals, and perform in the best possible way each working day.
Let’s take a look at some ways you can hone in on these skills and maximise your time to avoid stress and become a time management pro!
Priority is key – take a look at what deadlines you have coming up; what things do you need to do to achieve that result? Plan your workday according to these tasks.
Fall in love with to-do lists – Have a think about what you have coming up in the week and create a general overview of tasks to achieve. Take a look below. Doesn’t look too scary, right?

Once you’ve created your weekly to-do list, take a look at what activities there are for you to do. Do you need to prepare notes for the meetings? What content might need creating? Break it down into smaller chunks! On your daily to-do list, allocate a time – such as “9am – 9.30am check emails”. This helps structure your day, but don’t stress! These are general; you don’t have to stick to the plan by the minute.
Minimising distractions and setting boundaries are also important in ensuring that you practice good time management and punctuality. If you work in a noisy environment, try using headphones (where possible) to listen to some relaxing music whilst cracking on with your work. Perhaps your phone is a distraction; put it in your bag and out of sight. If you can, try putting it on ‘do not disturb’ mode to limit notifications.
You might have a desk neighbour who is desperate to chat with you about the latest episode of the hottest show you’re both enjoying at the moment. There is no shame is setting a boundary and saying “I’d love to talk to you about this, but I’ve just got to focus on this right now. Can we catch up later?” Your colleagues will understand, and you can always catch up over lunch.
A final bit of advice is to be kind to yourself! Practice some self care; get a good night’s rest, always eat breakfast and leave yourself plenty of time before your working day starts, putting you in a good headspace for your day ahead. An important aspect of time management, that often gets forgotten, would be to avoid work outside of your working hours! Good time management and punctuality should help this. However, you might get an itch to check your emails in the evening, or just want to get that last bit of work done before the morning. Try not to put additional pressure on yourself and remember any work can always be resumed the next working day.
The Careers and Enterprise team are always on hand to help you develop your skills and get you ready for the workplace. If you want to learn more about other transferrable skills, take a look at the rest of our blogs in the series and search the careers and enterprise online hub.
Want more support?
Have you considered GradForce?
The project team have created the bespoke (and free!) ‘Get Hired!’ training programme aimed to help you get that graduate job of your dreams. It’s an employability programme for final-year students and recent graduates of CCCU. Registrations are open now for the programme to kickstart in February 2022. If your keen on developing your skills and building your confidence ready for the graduate workplace, sign up here.

The Careers and Enterprise team Christmas hours:
We’ll be open until the end of 17th December, and then will re-open on 4th January. We’ll be checking our emails until 24th December, so feel free to catch us on
We look forward to seeing you in 2022!
If you’re reaaaaaaalllly keen then here’s 4 ideas:
?If you’re a final year student or recent graduate, you’re welcome to apply for the GradForce programme
?Check your CV on CV360 via the Hub
?Practice your skills using AI technology with Interview360 via the Hub
?Read a few more blogs… scan through our blogs for some encouragement, insight and great tips
But most of all, we wish you a restful Christmas, and a hope-filled New Year, from all in the Careers & Enterprise team!