I thought I’d kick off the year with a blog about some recent musings, which may or may not become a regular feature, but here goes…
Email Signatures–
I’ve seen a couple of great email signatures recently, so wanted to give you some ideas. Email signatures in the workplace often traditionally denote contact details, but there’s usually some space to add in something brief as an addition.
- Wellbeing at work is important. My working hours may not be your working hours. Read and reply only in your working hours, and bear with me if I don’t reply immediately.
- Please note I am Neurodiverse. I struggle to process long wordy and lengthy emails. Please brief me using short bullet points and clear deadlines if you need a specific return. Thank you.
Have you seen any great ones?
This reminded me to remind you – there’s 100 graphics, links and words you could put in your e-signature, but keep it professional and simple for the best impact. Think carefully about the tone, colours and style of your profession, and enjoy!
The Dreaded Tech Moment…
This happened to me this month. It’s also happened to me before, except last time it went a bit better… have you ever sent an email to the wrong person? Did that question send a chill down your spine? Then you understand my pain. Last time, thankfully, I was complimenting someone which was meant just for them, but I did a reply to all. Probably didn’t need to go to everyone (it was a bit gushy), but if the re-call didn’t work, it wasn’t the end of the world.
This time, I meant to forward an exchange to a colleague, but instead replied to the individual. It wasn’t rude, but I wouldn’t have used that wording had I planned on sending it to them – a little abrupt and pointed. I went through each of the emotions. The ‘wait, hang on, did I just accidentally…?’ then the shock, the shame, the tummy in the mouth, the sheer horror as I screamed for help down to my partner to remind me how to recall an email… felt like it went in slow motion and he took forever to climb the stairs to my office… and then the silent wait to see if the recall had worked. This time, it hadn’t. All I could do was apologise.
There are two learning points from this; firstly, ALWAYS CHECK (especially when you’re tired and busy) who your email is going to. And ideally just avoid sending frustrated emails. Or at least swap platforms – if you need help then go to Teams, so there’s no possibility of you making the mistake I did. I’m still getting chills at the thought.
Secondly, make sure you know how to recall an email in whatever platform you use. Google how to do it. Remind yourself regularly. The quicker you get to it, the more likely it is to work. Good luck!
This is a term that’s been batted around for a while, but I feel like at this stage post-pandemic when everyone’s worn out, or is likely to pick up illnesses as they begin re-socialising, it’s an important one to remind ourselves of. Whether this be relevant for you, or someone you know.
Presenteeism definition –
The Harvard Business Review: ‘the problem of workers’ being on the job but, because of illness or other medical conditions, not fully functioning…’
This is real. We know that absence is about not being at work, but presenteeism isn’t much better when it comes to productivity. It means people showing up (for a whole range of reasons) but not really being there. The BBC has recently written a great article about Presenteeism and productivity post-pandemic – do click here if you’re interested in reading it.
It’s a really important time to look out for colleagues, and friends, and those around you. If people are unwell, physically or mentally, they need to assess whether they should be in work. Being present doesn’t mean you’re being productive, so in some circumstances it may be better to get off the treadmill, improve your health, and then come back refreshed and raring to go at a more sustainable pace.
So, that’s the end of September’s monthly musings. What have you been musing this month?
Getting further support from The Careers and Enterprise Team at CCCU
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- Email careers@canterbury.ac.uk
- Log onto the Careers and Enterprise Online Hub to access resources such as CV360, Interview Simulator and more. Our Live Chat function is also available for you to speak to us 10-12 and 2-4 Monday to Friday
- Check out our YouTube channel for more advice and signposting
- Don’t forget our workshops – all online and free and for all current students and recent alumni (up to 3 years post-graduation).