Careers and Enterprise Blog

2021: A New Start and A Gentle January


2021: A New Start and A Gentle January

Welcome to 2021.

You’ve arrived, you’re here – you’ve survived 100% of 2020. You might feel a little exhausted by the experience, but you’ve made it to 2021…. now what?

Well, that’s a very good question.

“I’m ready for times to be precedented again. Thanks.”

Although we may still feel very far from normality, the turn of the year has felt the right time to turn efforts to something new. If you’ve been following our ‘unprecedented’ series, this isn’t a line drawn under it, but a start of something new to inspire you and bring hope into your year ahead…

… but before I announce that, I’ll keep you in suspense for a few minutes longer. I madly wrote that before last night’s lockdown announcement. This morning, I was sent the below from Michael Rosen’s “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” which feels very relevant right now:

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go through it!

So I’ll reflect briefly on something else I’ve been pondering: Gentle January.

January is the busiest time (normally) for gyms, it’s the keenest time for wannabe vegans (Veganuary) and post- New Years Eve, the great and good of resolutions are published. (And don’t get me wrong, they are great and good).

Now, instead, I have a new challenge for you: gentle January. A month where you don’t beat yourself up if by halfway through when the resolutions have gone out the window. (or for struggling with motivation today, after Boris’ latest announcement last night). A month where you make the conscious effort to bring a gentleness into each day. A month where you can seek to give out and receive gentleness. Where you’re gentle with others, and with yourself; whatever that may look like.

Talking of Gentle January, and preparing for the New Year, we have a workshop next week 2021: Your Year Ahead, which you’re really welcome to. Book via this link.

Whilst I’ve heard it said that the first rule of 2021 is not to mention 2020, the reality is, it happened. It may have had joyful bits you want to choose to remember, but probably also carried some hard or heavy bits. Now’s the time to be kind to yourself. To be gentle.

So, what new series was I about to announce? The A-Z of Careers! Starting next Tuesday, over the following 26 weeks, we’ll be travelling together through the alphabet, looking at each letter in relation to your future, and your career. We’ll be looking at what actions you can take now, and things you can think about to be proactive and positive, and use this time thoughtfully. Do join us on this little journey, and if you have ideas, or things you want to see from us, do comment below! (We will also be doing other blogs through this time, but Tuesday blogs are A-Z blogs, and you’ll be able to find them by the category at the top of the homepage).  

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Comment on “2021: A New Start and A Gentle January

  1. What a thoughtful blog, and a great idea too. I’m using an affirmation app at the moment, so the first thing every morning I read a positive quote and think about how I can apply it to my day.

    I look forward to the A-Z lists, I actually use an A-Z list format for my Masters reflective journal. I find it’s a really helpful method for coming up with prompt to analyse yet keeps my writing succinct.

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