
(Re)Introducing: Holly, SGO Project Officer


(Re)Introducing: Holly, SGO Project Officer

I’m not usually one to write about myself, but here we go again!

Hi, it’s Holly—back for a third(!!) year as one of your Student Green Officers! A lot has changed since last time, so I thought I’d take a moment to catch you all up. I’ve now graduated from Games Design which I loved so much that I managed to end up lecturing part-time on it, and, when I’m not teaching, I’m finishing up my Masters by Research. If you read my first ever blog post, you’ll know that I’ve always been fascinated by the way people connect with the world around them. Growing up by the sea, that connection was impossible to ignore. It’s where I learned to appreciate nature, from the smallest fish to the massive lobsters that used to hide in tyres at low tide to avoid the seagulls. But over time, I’ve also seen how delicate that balance is, and how much our actions can impact the planet, whether we realise it or not. That’s part of why I’m back for another year in this role — I believe we still have so much more to do, and I’m eager to continue making a difference. So, what’s changed since my first year at the SGO? Well, if anything, my commitment to sustainability has deepened. Over the past few years, I’ve been involved in some incredible projects on campus, from completing Carbon Literacy Training, to helping out with Potter & Prune (every Wednesday from 2 til 4pm, by the way!), to hosting bake sales and tote bag painting events. The best part? Seeing so many of you getting involved! Whether it was swapping single-use plastics for reusable alternatives or taking part in our pizza oven events, I’ve been so appreciative of the enthusiasm and dedication of our community here at CCCU.

Image description: Holly as a young child and an adult man on the beach

Sustainability, for me, has always been about more than just environmental action. It’s about fostering a sense of community, of shared responsibility. The more I learn about sustainability, the more I realise it’s all interconnected — people, ecosystems, societies. Every action we take, no matter how small, ripples outward. That’s why I’m so excited to continue in this role — to keep exploring how we can all work together to protect not just our planet, but each other.

Reflecting on the past few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we measure progress. It’s easy to get caught up in big, sweeping changes, but I’ve come to appreciate the small victories just as much. Whether it’s seeing more students carrying reusable water bottles or hearing someone talk about how they started composting at home, these little moments add up. They remind me that change doesn’t always have to be monumental — it can start with a single choice, and grow from there.

I’ll be the first to admit that it can be daunting to think about the sheer scale of the environmental challenges we face. Climate change, deforestation, pollution — it’s a lot to take in. But what keeps me motivated is knowing that we’re not in this alone. We’re a community, and every step we take, we take together. That’s the beauty of sustainability — it’s something we can all contribute to, no matter where we are or what we’re studying. And I truly believe that by working together, we can make a real difference. And, with the university’s Vision 2030 framework, sustainability is embedded even deeper into life here at CCCU.

Image description: a lanscape of green fields and the ocean beyond them

At the end of the day, my goal as a Student Green Officer is simple: to inspire others to see the beauty in the world around us, and to encourage each of you to take small steps toward living more sustainably. Whether you’re a seasoned environmental advocate or just starting to think about your impact, there’s always something new to learn, and always a way to get involved (like signing up for one of our Carbon Literacy Training sessions!) So here’s to another year of learning, growing, and making a difference. I’m excited to see where this journey takes us, and I can’t wait to work alongside all of you again. Whether you’re interested in our events, volunteering with us, or just chatting about sustainability, I’m always happy to help.

By Holly Steventon, SGO Project Officer

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