
My year in the SGO


My year in the SGO

As we conclude the academic year, with it comes the conclusion of this year’s Student Green Office. This is a look back on the year: on my favourite moments, events, and the fun I have had encouraging sustainability on our campus.

At the beginning of the academic year, I had the joy of harvesting the apples from the Gold Jubilee Orchard to make sure none went to waste as the harvest period began to pass. Whilst a small event, it kickstarted my year at the SGO in such a lovely way. Looking back on my time at the SGO, it is one of the main things I think of when I think about community and sustainability. Whilst we had about 15 people attend purposefully, watching so many more get involved as they passed by was so genuinely delightful as it made me realise the impact I could potentially have in this position. 

Image description: several people attempting to piggy back to reach the higher-up apples, because who needs ladder training?

Later in the year, I aided in project managing a fast fashion campaign, a topic I am very passionate about. Despite stepping back upon the beginning of the second semester, seeing it come to life really was an incredible thing for me, and I am so proud of everyone involved for what they achieved. I met so many amazing people along the way, got to educate students on the impact of fast fashion, and even got to boost my own knowledge of campaigning at the same time. 

There have been so many events this year that have been a pleasure to run, and whilst this has been my busiest year at uni to date, I wouldn’t change it for the world. From Fresher’s Fair to the “Bee Moo Sustainable” spring fair, I have had so many opportunities to get involved with our uni community, have some fun conversations, and some more comforting ones about the state of the world as it is right now.

Image description: Halle with members of the Academy team and Governing Body at the Jubilee Ochard, telling them about her apple picking event.

Overall, the SGO has been incredible for me. Supported by two of the nicest ladies I have met, surrounded by equally as lovely people; it was hard not to enjoy my time spent here. I came into this role passionate about sustainability, and hopeful to make some noise, but incredibly negative about the perceived impact I thought I could make. At the end of my year here, I have come to truly recognise that people care way more than I anticipated about the environment and making a change. 

It was wonderful to not only observe academics engage in sustainability, but the next generation of industry professionals too. 

My fellow members this year have been a delightful group of such different people, and I wish them all the best whether we keep in contact or not. Without them, this role would have been much lonelier, and working as a collective for a common goal was something I really enjoyed. 

Image description: Halle and Harry at their Bee Moo Sustainable stand, playing How Bad Are Bananas?

As for what I’ll do next, I am moving into my third year of my Games Design degree, and hope to achieve a first by the end of it all. After that, a masters is likely on the cards, and who knows where I will go after that! While a job in sustainability isn’t where my degree will likely take me, I intend to take my passion for the planet to wherever I end up, on top of the additional skills I have gained in this role. 

Want to read more? Jack’s SGO reflection blog is here!

By Halle Mills, SGO Project Officer

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