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You will never need to struggle with referencing again!
Do you struggle with referencing?
Do you know what to reference?
Are you new to referencing or maybe not new but would like to improve your grade?
Well don’t panic, we’re here to take the stress out of citing those sources!
Ruth and Silvina, from the Library Team met with representatives from Bloomsbury’s Cite Them Right! They listened to your feedback and this is what they’ve done!

Above image taken from the Cite them right e-resource via LibrarySearch
Let’s get referencing!
We all know how important it is to reference but sometimes it can be a task that some people find really stressful. It is important not to panic! Your first point of reference (excuse the pun) should be Cite Them Right, we have many copies of the paperback edition… It is easily discoverable by using LibrarySearch.
You can also access the e-book version of the 12th edition of Cite Them Right via LibrarySearch too!

Created by V Mason using Adobe Express images from Adobe Express included within institutional license.
We know that finding those sources of information for your assignment can be varied after all, you can source research from anywhere! You want to be able to use all your sources and shouldn’t have to decide not to due to being unable to cite them!
Yes, you heard it here, tattoos and graffiti can be sourced!
Cite Them Right online.
From books to journals to social media, websites, blogs, podcasts, Netflix, television, maps, legal sources, tattoos, graffiti, sculptures and much more, which I’ve probably forgotten. Yes, you heard it here, tattoos and graffiti can be sourced! You want an updated resource! The Library holds the e-book and many copies on the shelves for you to borrow but did you know we also have access to Cite Them Right online? As it’s online, it’s continually updated.
Image above created by V Mason using Canva
If you can’t find what you need within the pages of Cite Them Right then try Cite Them Right online!
What’s new with Cite Them Right online?
Using the homepage video!
Click here for the Cite Them Right using the Homepage!

Image above is a screenshot of the Cite them right online resource.
The video explains the features that have been added to the homepage.
- Choosing your reference style.
- Useful tutorials to help you.
- Where to find messages from your institution.
- Browse popular searches to help you with your request.
- Editors highlights offers a selection of videos, articles and information to support you with referencing and plagiarism.
Navigating the basics of referencing.
Clue is in the title! The following video looks into the basics of referencing.
Find out more about referencing and plagiarism, confidential information, critical reading and making notes, working in groups, and looking at how to avoid plagiarism.
Click here for the following video:

The above video is taken from Cite them right online by Bloomsbury. Accessed via LibrarySearch and Find Databases A-Z. From here you can discover where the articles, videos and tutorial are on Cite Them Right. Find out how they can support you with referencing, plagiarism and making notes.
The video looks at the following:
What is referencing and why is it important?
More articles: referencing style specific guidance
Interactive tutorials to support you with:-
Top tip!
Select the specific reference style you’re using to find out how the above has to be listed within your bibliography.
After the tutorials, you can test your knowledge to advance your skills!
How to use an example referencing page.
The following video looks at how you reference an article.
A printed book is used as the sourced material while using the Harvard referencing style.
Click here for the video: How to reference materials using Harvard referencing style in the correct way.
Please do try the, You Try Box! Great function.
The above video is taken from Cite them right online accessible through LibrarySearch. The video demonstrates how you can reference your source material using the example referencing pages on Cite Them Right.
From the above video please do check out the ‘You Try Box’ a useful function for inputting your citation and being able to copy and paste the information straight into your bibliography.