Engineering, Technology and Design

Spotlight on Kent and Medway EDGE Hub and Prof. Helen James in Breakthrough Magazine


Spotlight on Kent and Medway EDGE Hub and Prof. Helen James in Breakthrough Magazine

Senior Pro Vice Chancellor (Education, Enhancement & Student Experience) Prof. Helen James was recently interviewed in Breakthrough Magazine and gave her insights into the challenges that were facing the South East with regards to STEM and how that led into the development and growth of Engineering and the EDGE Hub.

Helen’s ambition and passion for driving Engineering forward, and the embedding of STEM into the suite of new programmes at the University, were embodied throughout her interview where she said,

“A real challenge is that people have pre-conceived ideas about what engineering is and I want to design that out right from the beginning. I want engineering to be much more of a collaborative effort, rather than about individuals.

“…it’s about opening engineering out to a broader population, whereas in the past I think the sector has been very traditional.”

Click here to read the full interview, available in Breakthrough Magazine Issue 7…

As part of the University’s vision for delivering Higher Education opportunities within Engineering to the region, we are looking for industry and business leaders to become members of the Strategic Industry Advisory Board. If you would like to get involved you can find details at

Additional information on Engineering at CCCU…

You can find more details about Engineering at and through the University Estates Master Plan that is outlined at

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