
Your dissertation topic


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Refining your topic and moving to your question

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Refine your ideas to create a working title

Having thought about your area of interest and started some research on the topic: what do we know about it already, what else could be explored? Are there other perspectives to consider? Think about what your research could add to current knowledge on this topic.   

The next step after this is to consider how you can explore the topic. This is when you move from the topic to starting to formulate a question. It is worth bearing in mind that most dissertation writers gradually refine their question as they develop their research and ideas.

A useful way of refining your ideas to try to create a working title or question. As a Canterbury Christ Church University student, you have access to different productivity tools such as OneNote to help with this process.

Give it a go in 10 words!

Having started to consider the literature and sources available, spend some time thinking about what you would like to say about your topic. Then try writing up to ten words which sum up your ideas on your topic. Remember this will be your working title which will usually be tweaked as you work through your ideas.