
Your dissertation topic


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Begin a dissertation planning journal

You may have been developing an idea since year one or you may feel as if you will never find a topic. Either way, it is useful to start a dissertation planning or study journal. This is a useful space where you can start jotting down your ideas for your dissertation. It is also useful if you are required to complete a reflective portfolio as part of the dissertation process. Keeping a note of ideas, where they came from and how they lead to new ideas can help you to develop your thoughts and consolidate your ideas.

It is worthwhile considering your research interests from a number of angles:

Have you found your topic?

Now consider what is it about your topic you would like to explore. At the same time, keep in mind your time frame. Your aim is to be complete your research and write up your results within the given time frame. This means that it is important not to be too ambitious in terms of the areas you would like to cover. Consider limiting your research topic to certain dates, themes, areas, issues or localities.