Careers and Enterprise are pleased to announce that the Work Experience Fund for 2019/20 is now available, and information, application form, T&Cs and FAQs are live on our webpages.
Apply to the Work Experience Fund now by clicking here!
Are you looking for work experience, but finding it financially difficult to take up the opportunity you really want or looking to test out a business idea? You may be eligible to benefit from the Work Experience Fund!
If your work experience is in an unpaid or low paid role, or has additional costs associated with taking up the opportunity, which would make it difficult for you to take the opportunity without financial assistance, we have two bursaries available to help.
- Travel Bursary – for assistance with travel costs (individual applications only).
- Career Start Bursary – for all other costs associated with the work experience including:
- potential money to test a business idea
- costs for buying suitable work wear
- ad hoc child care
- specialist software
- money to attend a conference etc.
Full details of what the bursaries can be used for can be found in the WEF Terms & Conditions and FAQs.
As this is a limited fund, applicants will be considered on a first come, first served basis, so we advise any students who may be considering work-related experience this academic year to get those applications in ASAP, in order to apply for the fund. The fund will close on 31st July 2019 at 5pm UK Time.
If you require any help with your application, you can visit The Careers and Enterprise Hub in Augustine House, open Monday-Friday, 10-12pm and 2-4pm, or book an appointment with a Careers Consultant via The Careers and Enterprise Online Hub.
For more information and to apply, visit our Work Experience web page.

We can help you apply to the Work Experience Fund.
- Simply come to the Careers and Enterprise Hub drop in at Augustine House (10-12pm 2-4pm on weekdays).
- You can also email us at