Yes, it’s that time again when ghosts and ghouls stalk the earth – or at least the supermarket shelves anyway – and people wonder if it’s ok to eat pumpkin after they’ve had to scrape off a load of candle wax. But more than that, it’s when we ask you for your feedback, is Augustine House Library Scarily Good or Frighteningly Bad?
As you may already know the Library and Learning Resources team loves to find out your views on the services and resources we offer… so this Halloween we’re once again giving you the chance to tell us what you think.
Just drop by our table on the ground floor of Augustine House on Thursday 31 October any time between 11:00 and 16:00 to take part. Don’t be afraid! Be Honest! We want to hear the good and the bad!
Also, if sweet treats are your thing… then you might not be disappointed either.
Not on campus? You can always use our feedback form.
Not sure it will make a difference?
Then take a look at just a few of the things we’ve changed based on your feedback.
New furniture
Many of you noted some of the furniture was getting a little tired. Whereas others wanted to see more sofas, sofa booths and a wider range of comfy seating to complement the traditional desk and chair study spaces.
We’ve refreshed our study zones with a range of new furniture. We’ve introduced lots of new chairs across all the floors to ensure you can work comfortably and safely at our study desks. For those seeking more comfortable study spaces, we’ve added an additional sofa booth in the first-floor collaborative zone and new sofas across the building. We had feedback from students to make better use of the windows, so some of these sofas have been placed in nooks with a view.
You’ll notice we’ve introduced a range of types of furniture, so we’d love to hear your feedback, to help inform us about future purchases.

Piloting a postgraduate study zone
In response to your feedback, we are piloting a Postgraduate Study Space co-located within the third-floor Collaborative zone, in front of the moving shelves.
Postgraduates are offered priority for the seating and computers in this location and we promote students connecting with their peers whilst studying in the space. The remainder of the third-floor Collaborative zone is for all students to use.
You can pass on your feedback about the zone next week or on the postgraduate zone feedback form.

Expanding your digital library
We hear you when you say you want access to more digital resources. We’ve added new e-books, increased our journal coverage expanded our online newspaper archives. We’ve also made improvements to LibrarySearch to make discovering them easier. Find out more.