Christ Church Sport

Tip: Do some Gardening.


Tip: Do some Gardening.

This week’s tip was to get active through gardening. In this lovely June weather, it’s the perfect time to move more with this Tip.

I’m home in my parents garden today, where my mother has been hard at work gardening for the last few weeks. She gave me the basic instructions, slugs are bad, bee’s are good, and left me with a pile of dirt (otherwise known as compost) and some bedding plants to get stuck into. I’d recommend some gardening gloves before you start, but to be honest you’re going to get messy anyway! Here’s what I’ve been doing so far.

Another tip is to remember to name or lable your pots so you don’t forget what plants are growing under the soil and which pots are empty. During the day I tackled some overgrown tree’s and shrubs, and also stretched to wind plants around posts and above beams.

After a spot of lunch and tea in the sunshine, and a relaxing soak of our feet in the paddling pool, my father and I embarked on a rather different project. In the garden there are several items that needed a new lease of life, so instead of taking them to the tip, we began our project of creating a potting sculpture. Using metal, chicken wire and an assortment of other objects, we have started to build a sculpture. Father’s request was for The Iron Giant, or Rodney from the Robot’s Film, as the inspiration for the design. It will be filled with compost for plants to be planted in it, and perhaps a birdhouse for the head.I’m not such how successful it will be yet, but we’ll definetly work up a sweat making it!

There are all kinds of things you can build and recycle in your garden with bits and bobs you’ve got lying around. But whatever you do today, enjoy the sunshine and get moving.

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