Careers and Enterprise Blog

N is for… Negotiation


N is for… Negotiation

As a student, I know the pressure of graduating in difficult times and understand how important is to build a great skillset. Everyone is a great communicator, a fantastic problem solver and has a perfect academic record. I have seen so many highly talented connections accept jobs that don’t deserve them because they failed to negotiate ideally for the position.

This week’s blog is authored by Tanishka Sahajwalla, Ambassador of The Negotiation Club.

So, what is negotiation?

Negotiation is a way to find ‘balance’ when in a disagreement. It is both of you walking equal distances to reach a satisfactory deal. “Negotiation is problem-solving with a twist!” – Philip Brown.

You don’t have to be a part of a big corporate firm or run your own business in order to learn the skill of negotiation. It is helpful in everyday life no matter the occasion – planning a day trip with friends, buying your next meal, discussing your salary. And of course, it is one of the best skills to flaunt on your CV.

What next?

One way to start building this skill is to take online courses, read books and participate in Negotiation Competitions. The most crucial tip to bear in mind is that negotiation is a skill and requires continuous practice. You can practice with your friends, form a negotiation club at University or participate in online professional clubs, but do not forget to practice! My favourite place to practice is The Negotiation Club’s Student Club. Here, I have learnt various tactics and tricks while practising with other students from all around the country.

Here are some tips to try when you practice your next negotiation:

Sometimes what you don’t say can be more potent than anything you could say: SILENCE is my favourite tactic. When you don’t say anything, the person in front of you tends to fill the awkward silence and gives away more than they initially wanted.

Don’t move without getting something in return for your movement: This is a vital tip. We all tend to move our price without any reason in order to land that deal. However, it is a harmful habit and can cost you a lot.  

Look for what the other party considers a win: Negotiation is not about being greedy and getting all you can. You have a better chance of making a deal when you have a win-win situation. Showing that you care about the other party and meet their needs will get you a better deal.

Don’t be afraid to say ‘No’: It’s not easy to say ‘No’. Don’t be scared to say no, don’t worry about what the other party will think of you. If an offer is not satisfactory, say no. This clearly indicates that you are unhappy with the offer, and the person has no option but to make a better option.

Listen! It’s the easiest way to get all the information you need to negotiate: We tend to speak a lot during the negotiation and give too much away. Instead, ask open-ended questions and let the person answer them. Answers to simple questions like what brings you here today? Or what are you looking for? Will give you all the information you need to put down your first offer.  

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2 comments on “N is for… Negotiation

  1. Negotiation is something I still struggle with, and it wasn’t until ten years into my career when I found out a colleague was getting £1k more than me for the same role that I started trying to improve my skills. When I asked them about it they said matter-of-factly “I asked to move up a spinal point in my job interview!” I had no idea people could ask for more money or different terms before an offer. I applauded that person’s confidence in their own worth as a potential employee.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Nina. Sometimes hindsight is a wonderful thing… but what a story to learn from!

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