Careers and Enterprise Blog

4 Tips for Achieving your Career Dreams with Enterprise Rent-A-Car


4 Tips for Achieving your Career Dreams with Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Bianca, the Campus Brand Manager for Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and current CCCU student shares her tips…

Tip 1: Be your authentic self

A recent Forbes article expressed how vital authenticity is at work. It pointed out the advantages such as trustfulness and productivity with team members and managers. Being your authentic self in the workplace will increase your communication with team leaders resulting in more personable feedback. Enterprise has ingrained inclusivity into its core culture and values. Proven by Enterprise’s Director of Talent Acquisition, Ashley Hever, who recently discussed how coming out and being his authentic self at work eliminated stress and helped make crucial connections in his role, stating that Enterprise allowed him to feel free.

Tip 2: Keep evaluating and learning

Enterprise focuses on the growth of its employees.  In the past year Enterprise employee, Neesha Khela grew from being a management trainee to an area-manager in only five years. She credits this feat to Enterprises intensive training programme and managerial feedback. Neeshas incredible progression shows that consistently learning throughout your career is a driver for elevating your skill sets and job prospects. Enterprise runs a mentoring programme for all staff that focuses on employees’ professional and personal development from all business areas. So make the most of any learning opportunities possible!

Tip 3: Ask questions and ask for feedback

Harvard Business Review suggests that asking questions is an intuitive way of improving our emotional intelligence, improving well-being inside and outside of work. But how can this improve your progression prospects? Asking questions is an indicator of being a good listener, an essential skill in leadership roles; questions also give a clear direction for assigned projects and progression opportunities. Also, asking for feedback can be a great way of finding a sense of order and provide steps to achieving promotions. It is essential to view feedback in a positive light, explains that focusing on the positives of any given input and noting down improvement areas will shine a light on your professionalism to managers and other colleagues. It shows self-development and an eagerness to do your best. Christeen Mendis, an Enterprise Area Manager, shares this sentiment stating that “feedback is so crucial” and holds much value towards how she has grown in her business career.

Tip 4: Participate, network, and have fun!

Networking well working can feel like an impossible task for many students and graduates because of the work experience difference. Participating in work events and social events is an excellent way of breaking down the anxiety wall and allowing communication with higher-ups and colleagues in other teams. Positive relationships at work can boost productivity and creativity, demonstrating that you’re a personable worker with values in teamwork can help you stand out when new positions open. Most importantly, focusing on enjoying work and feeling challenged is an excellent indicator of growth and will give self-fulfilment and colleagues’ recognition. Enterprise prides themselves on values such as having “open doors” and teams built on trust and integrity. Be open and authentic with your team at Enterprise, and you will feel supported and reassured with your career dreams.

Why Enterprise Rent-a-Car?

This year has caused turbulence for students across the UK, so in response, Enterprise aims to help students pursue their dream careers with little to no barriers. To do this, they have amended their recruitment process by scraping nerve-wracking assessment centres and psychometric testing. Because of this approach, you can expect a quick time-line to secure your role. Unlike other well-known employers, Enterprise focuses on personality and the potential of employees. Employees feel appreciated and driven to succeed within the business.

The stress-free application process is one of many reasons students flock to apply for Enterprise roles. Still, the main reason for Enterprises popularity among students is the extensive awards the business has received.  Most notably, in 2020, they were the winners of two national awards “Best diversity initiative” and “Top 50 employer for women”. Combined with a competitive salary and employee benefits, Enterprise is a dream opportunity for students driven to succeed.

Who Am I?
Hi there, my name’s Bianca. I’m a 2nd year advertising and marketing student at CCCU, Business school ambassador and 2nd year Student representative for advertising. I am also the Campus brand manager for Enterprise rent-a-car and the main point of contact for any students eager to achieve their career dreams with Enterprise rent-a-car during or after University.

If you’re interested in finding out more or making an application, get in touch on any of the platforms below.
No questions? Sign-up here:
If you want to find out more about Enterprise, check out their career website:

For further support, make sure to check out the CCCU Careers and Enterprise Hub for relative events and job-searching tools.

On behalf of Enterprise, good luck with your application and future job endeavours!

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