On Thursday 28 November, politics graduates came back to CCCU to meet our current students and share their stories.
Andra Grecu graduated in 2011 and has worked in Kent County Council for a number of years. She is currently a Policy and Strategy Officer.
Morris Overton holds both a BSc Politics and MSc Security and IR from CCCU. He is now Senior Risk Manager at PensionBee
Georgia Thompson graduated two years ago with BA International Relations. She worked for Kelly Tolhurst MP until the general election and has now returned to her studies to do a Masters degree in London.

All three graduates explained to students what their roles entail and the highs and lows of their careers so far. They emphasised the importance of the different assessment types they did as part of their degrees to prepare them for their day to day work – particularly in terms of time management, stress management and most crucially the ability to process and digest vast amounts of information and turn that into a short and digestible briefing paper for senior colleagues. Morris’ tale of having to reduce a 40,000 word report to a four page executive summary was a truly mind-bogging challenge, but one our students will need to prepare for.
Thank you again to our wonderful graduates. It means so much to us that you are willing to give up your valuable time and share your wisdom with our students. It is so lovely to see the networks and relationships grow and develop in our Politics alumni circles