
‘It was amazing to see everyone getting involved and having a good time’: Spires Academy students report on their experience of our General Election Hustings!


‘It was amazing to see everyone getting involved and having a good time’: Spires Academy students report on their experience of our General Election Hustings!

On 19 July, we were proud and privileged to host 80 students from Canterbury schools at a pre-Hustings Schools Workshop.  In this blog, Year 10 students from the Student Leadership Team at Spires Academy reflect on what they learnt at the workshop and the General Election Hustings. 

Two broad themes emerge from the reflections.  The first is that being involved in the workshop and Hustings revealed to the students that politics is relevant to young people’s lives.  Talking about politics and hearing other ‘normal’ people – i.e., not politicians! – talk about politics was naturally engaging.  This shows how important it is to make politics accessible, part of everyday conversations, something that everybody is involved in, not just something that middle aged men shout about on the television. 

The second is that politics is fun!  The Hustings was very carefully chaired, to ensure respectful dialogue and thoughtful political engagement, from the candidates and the audience.  This exemplified inclusive politics, in which alternative views are listened to and considered, rather than shouted down. 

The absence of Rosie Duffield, due to security concerns, is discussed in every reflection, below.  All students at the workshop expressed dismay and disbelief at the damage to our democracy when we are not safe to debate.  By participating in and witnessing respectful discussion, these students have helped us to believe that our political climate will improve with this new generation. 


‘On Wednesday 19th June 2024, me and the Student Leadership team had the pleasure of attending the General Election Hustings of 2024, where our local candidates came together to answer our questions that had an impact on our generation today and for the rest of the future.

‘Chris had asked our question from Spires Academy, which was “how are you going to support immigrants coming across our country” and each candidate had an answer, with one of the candidates saying that if they want to come over to our country, then they need to start working and earning money.

‘I found this event an interesting event, listening to everyone’s views of what they have to say about our future. I really enjoyed this event as it was amazing to see everyone getting involved and having a good time.’


‘We went to Canterbury Christ Church University to listen to the parliamentary candidates speak about their thoughts and opinions ready for the election. We had the opportunity to listen to Rosie Duffield answer some questions and to listen to the candidates talk about what they plan to do in the future if they become in charge.

‘I enjoyed the experience because you also got to hear the audience ask their questions. Just the experience of listening to candidates I really liked, because in the future I will actually vote.’ 


‘On Wednesday evening, the Student Leadership Team was invited to attend a trip to Canterbury Christ Church University for the general election pre-Hustings workshop and Hustings. We were all honoured to be invited as we heard that normally only sixth formers were allowed to go.

‘When we arrived, we went to a room and had to decide on which topics we would like to ask all the candidates. Due to all the issues that Rosie Duffield was faced with, she couldn’t attend, so we got to facetime her and hear her opinion on the different topics we chose.

‘After that, we went to the Hustings and got to meet all the candidates and hear all their thoughts and opinions on different topics, such as the environment and taxes. I really enjoyed the night and it was a great experience to witness.’


‘I enjoyed the evening when we went to the Hustings in Canterbury. I found it interesting to see the different points of views and what ideas each one would bring.

‘Seeing them talk about what they would do for our country made me realise what a big event it actually is and in a couple of years we will be able to take part in voting for the one we think should be chosen.

‘Even though it was a long evening I still enjoyed it.  It was inspiring for the future.’

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