On Thursday February 25th the Centre for European Studies (CEFEUS) took part in its first ‘Virtual Research Seminar’ with colleagues from universities around the world. The debate was hosted in Carleton University, Ottawa, by Dr. Agnieszka Weinar, a Visiting Scholar from the European University Institute. In attendance were CEFEUS Director Dr Amelia Hadfield and Deputy Director Dr Benjamin Martill along with undergraduate and postgraduate students from Politics and International Relations. Once the participants to the virtual debate had introduced themselves, Dr Weinar delivered a presentation on the development of migration and visa policies in the EU in which she surveyed the progressive Europeanization of migration policies over the years. This historical overview touched above all the implications on the various policies aimed at the European Neighbourhood, with a special regard to former Soviet countries Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and to the South Mediterranean countries. The event concluded with an interactive question and answer session in which several CCCU students were able to quiz Dr Weinar on her presentation, with PhD candidate Francesco Violi and third-year undergraduate Jack Brooks both asking insightful questions.