Joe Jackson, winner in the Primary School, 5-7 Years Award (Year 1-2) and his teacher, Miss Collings from Miers Court Primary School.
We are so proud to be involved with the Turner Contemporary Portfolio competition. Last night all the short-listed entrants and their guests were invited to the prize ceremony in Augustine Hall to see an exhibition of their work and find out if they had won. Winning artwork will be displayed in an exhibition at the Turner Contemporary ahead of the Turner Prize 2019.

Entries opened in January with children, young people, teachers, FE students and community groups from across Kent and Medway invited to respond to the theme ‘Art Rebels’. This year a new category of ‘Community Groups’ from Kent and Medway were invited to enter the competition including Alternative Provision, NHS Support Services and in patients, Youth Offending Services, Support Groups, Pupil Referral Units, Health and Wellbeing.
The event in Augustine House kicked off with the much-anticipated announcement of the Turner Prize nominated artists by Victoria Pomery, the Director of the Turner Contemporary Gallery followed by the award presentation by the panel of judges including BBC1 broadcaster, Gemma Cairney, and representatives from Canterbury Cathedral, Go Vicinity and the Lilford Gallery.
Peter Gregory, principal lecturer on the BA (Hons) Arts in Education said of the competition: “The Portfolio award evening is one of my highlights each year. To see the exhibition of shortlisted artworks and talk to so many proud and excited families – many of whom have never been to an art exhibition or university before – is a huge privilege. We have no idea what will result in their futures as a consequence of their involvement!”
The winners in all categories were:
- Students with Additional Needs Award – Nessie Bigg No Words, Sandra Art4All
- Primary School, Ages 4 -5 Award, Reception & Foundation – Luke Rogers School for Monsters, Wittersham CEP Primary School
- Primary School, 5-7 Years Award (Year 1-2) – Joe Jackson, Blurb 3, Miers Court Primary School
- Primary School, 7-11 Years Award (Year 3 – 6) – Abigail Vincent, The dark and delirious mind of a girl, St Peters-In-Thanet Junior School
- Secondary School, 11 – 14 Years Award (Year 7- 9) – Nicole Shephard, Effects of Social Media, Trinity School Sevenoaks
- Secondary School, 14 – 16 Years Award (Year 10 – 11) – Toby Woodgate, Strong and Stable, St Laurence College
- Secondary School, 16 – 19 Years Award (Year 12 – 13) – Ella Plumb, Time, Langley Park School for Boys
- Further Education Award – Hannah Bell, Mrs Bob without Ian the Dog, Canterbury Christ Church University
- Staff Award – Andy Howe, Undressing in front of the whole school, Simon Langton Boys School
- Community Group Award – Dominic Harper, Boxing Day Swim, SEAS (South East Artists) Community Group
- David Lilford’s Most Promising Artist Award – Bethan Isaacs, Generations, Barton Court Grammar School
- Turner Contemporary Award for Bold Conceptual Approach (Primary) – Bethany Brown, Ruined Resources, Drapers Mills
- Turner Contemporary Award for Bold Conceptual Approach (Secondary) – Ellie Springs, By-product of Art as Art, Herne Bay High School
Kerry Jordan-Daus, Peter Gregory and Claire March from Canterbury Christ Church University with Alice Ross, Jennifer Scott and Karen Eslea from the Turner Contemporary Gallery.
Congratulations to the all the winners and runners up! It was brilliant to see such hard work and creativity from our local community.