By Dr Robert A Bowie Director of the National Institute for Christian Education Research The Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education, which was established in 2016 to review […]
How can we help pupils to make sense of Science Religion encounters in the classroom, when so little dialogue and discussion happens at the planning stages of curriculum development? This […]
A moment in English Religious Education history
The final report of the Commission for Religious Education is about to be published. The independent commission was established by the Religious Education Council, the lead organisation and charity that […]
In education, is religion exclusively a matter of RE? Are RE debates being crippled by the assumption that it is?
(a partly developed set of thoughts on a hot afternoon) The blogosphere is filled with debate about religious education in the English school setting. Read these offerings by Dr Kathryn Wright […]
Places of Worship: An Introduction from Bob Bowie
A ‘few’ years ago RE Online made a series of videos about places of worship which are available to watch on the web. See the whole lineup here:
What If Learning (a sample lesson)
Watch a primary school lesson were this innovative approach to teaching Christianly is demonstrated.
What If Learning – Braunston Church of England Primary School
An example of a What If Learning Approach in a Church of England Primary School
What if Learning? (The approach)
TransformLivesTeach made this video about What If Learning.
A Humanist and a Christian debate education
Professor Trevor Cooling in debate with Andrew Copson, CEO of the British Humanist Association, about Christian involvement in schools.
What if Learning: A Bible shaped approach to teaching and learning
A video about What if Learning by Anglican EdCom
Prayer Spaces in Schools – Keynote, Trevor Cooling, 2015
Prayer Spaces in Schools Keynote Speaker, Trevor Cooling (Professor of Christian Education at Canterbury Christ Church University) talking about during the 2015 Day Conference in London. We’re sorry for the […]