Wed 07/10/2020 15:00 – 16:00 Online seminar to present and discuss the preliminary findings of the SRE sub-project 1.Curating superficiality: a comparison of two lessons on the Creation Story Professor […]
How can we help pupils to make sense of Science Religion encounters in the classroom, when so little dialogue and discussion happens at the planning stages of curriculum development? This […]
At the RExChange Festival
This online conference is for teachers, advisers, leaders and members of religious and non-religious worldview communities. I am speaking today at two sessions and here are the related presentations Find […]
Event: Faith in the Nexus Report
Wednesday 18 November 2020, 11:00-12:30 with discussions at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 In this project the nexus refers to the connections between church school, the local church, and the home. […]
Event: What are worldviews and why should schools teach them?
NICER/Theos Think Tank Report event on Wednesday 21 October 2020, 7:30-9pm Are you enthusiastic about the quality and status of Religious Education (RE)? Do you recognise its academic credibility in […]
Cox questions Bowie
Dawn Cox, Subject leader for RS in a secondary school in Essex and familiar contributor online with her highly regarded blog, has interviewed me on a Teams chat. She asks […]
Calling out racism: Dr Lynn Revell on the Bishop of Dover at the Canterbury protest march
Dr Lynn Revell, Reader of Religion and Education at Canterbury Christ Church University, reflects on her encounter with the new Bishop of Dover at a Protest March. (Photo by L […]
Webinars for AULRE 2020
I gave my first two webinars for the Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education ( 2020 virtual meeting, on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th May last week. It […]
Texts and Teachers Part 2: The Findings
Here I explore some of the findings of the Texts and Teachers project, touching on links between institutional and personal worldview, deep conversations in the classroom, criticality and formal examinations […]
Texts and Teachers and the Worldview project in RE
This is a prerecorded version of the first part of the paper given at the Online AULRE / REOnline event, Thursday 14th May and Friday 15th May 2020. It explores […]
Worldview in religious education
Professor Trevor Cooling has written about the notion of worldview figures prominently in the recent discourse surrounding Religious Education (RE) in English schools following the publication of the final report […]