
Suggest an e-book! New e-books now available for Postgraduate Psychology


Suggest an e-book! New e-books now available for Postgraduate Psychology

We’ve been encouraging students across the University to suggest e-books for the library to add to our e-book collection. Thanks to all who have made suggestions so far. We thought it would be useful to look at some recent additions that have originated from those who study and work at the Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology.

Now Available…

Essentials of KTEA-3 and WIAT-III Assessment offers up-to-date, comprehensive, step-by-step instruction in the accurate and effective use of the newest editions of the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA-3) Comprehensive Form, KTEA-3 Brief Form, and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III).

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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for psychosis is constantly changing and evolving. Recently, in what is sometimes called the ‘third wave’, therapy has become more concerned with the individual’s relationship to their experience, rather than with the content of it. This more process–orientated approach appears to tap into universal psychological processes. The aim is to reduce distress by changing the function of the experience, rather than necessarily the experience itself. Written by some of the leading figures from around the world, CBT for Psychosis: Process-Orientated Therapies and the Third Wave brings the reader the latest developments in the field.

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The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami: Managerialism, Politics, and the Corruptions of Science provides a powerful critique of CBT’s understanding of human suffering, as well as the apparent scientific basis underlying it. The book argues that CBT psychology has fetishized measurement to such a degree that it has come to believe that only the countable counts. It suggests that the so-called science of CBT is not just “bad science” but “corrupt science”.

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Meeting the Needs of Ethnic Minority Children – Including Refugee, Black and Mixed Parentage Children. Experts from a variety of disciplines contribute to this substantially revised edition of this popular handbook – new chapters are included on identity work, refugee children, and the work of the Asian Project.

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Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health: Guidelines for the New Consultant offers a practical guide for professionals working ‘indirectly’ with clients through consultation with staff. As resources become more scarce in public services and a greater number of people seek mental health interventions, professionals are increasingly called upon to consult with practitioners who conduct face-to-face work with clients. This book provides an essential guide for those who are interested in developing their consultation competence.

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And there’s more…

Further recently added e-book titles include

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We will respond to your request within 5 working days and let you know if the e-book is available to add to our collection and update you on how long it will be before you can read it. Most e-books are normally available within 5 working days of purchase.

If it isn’t available as an e-book, we’ll let you know and discuss the potential of obtaining alternative titles.

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