Christ Church Sport

On A Park Bench Far, Far Away


On A Park Bench Far, Far Away

It’s quite interesting writing about things that are regular things in my life, it allows me to focus on the ‘why’. This week I am writing about ‘Eating Lunch Away From My Desk’.

As the title may suggest, a park bench is a fabulous place to eat lunch, not only do I get to walk a little bit, I get to enjoy the wonders of nature, which has a calming effect at the same time. A double whammy!!

Sit, eat, ponder and relax and time to journal too. What more could someone ask for in the middle of the day. I need to search out some more venues for lunch though, so will investigate over this coming week and let you know what I find. Or if you have a suggestion, let me know.

Monday and Tuesday saw the park near the bus station (Dane John Gardens) as the venue of choice to munch away on my chicken legs (I don’t have chicken legs, I was eating chicken, oh you get the point). Anyway, Wednesday after feeling a little under the weather I decided that I would lunch on the second floor of Augustine House as I was below par in the energy reserves. So, by using the stairs I was still able to engage in some activity, although not as much as I would have liked.

Thursday and Friday saw me wandering around the town getting some shopping items and popping into Chaps to book a haircut. All in all, I walked in excess of 55,500 steps this week. This has resulted in moving yet another notch on my belt. New belt needed soon. I haven’t weighed myself as I feel the weight isn’t the important thing, it’s how I’m feeling. AND I FEEL GREAT!!!!! Those endorphins really have a positive effect.

So, walk a bit and lunch out of the office where possible, added together equals another great couple of ways to feel good and motivate oneself to lose those extra pounds, inches, etc.

If anyone feels like they want to get out and about at lunchtime, let me know and we can motivate each other.

Administrative Assistant
Timetabling and Rooming Office

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