
Engaging with Feedback


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Practical tips

Finally, take note of the following practical tips:

  • Be pro-active about seeking feedback. Speak to your Personal Academic Tutor or Module Leader directly. Explain why you are asking for feedback and ask direct questions, rather than generic. Phrase them in order to invite feedback.
  • Regard all feedback as valuable, whether feedback praise or areas for improvement
  • Don’t shrug off positive feedback. It is important to recognise success as such, what you did well and believe in your performance. It will also help you build upon it and do even better next time.
  • Don’t get defensive when feedback is critical. Its intent is to develop your skills and knowledge further and should always be recognised as an opportunity.
  • Practise thanking people for their positive feedback. Not only is it befitting, it also invites further or future feedback. 
  • Don’t be afraid to seek clarification. If you can’t understand some of the feedback comments written on your work, make an appointment to ask the Lecturer or your Personal Academic Tutor. You also have the opportunity to book a session with your Learning Developer to analyse your feedback together.