
Online Learning Skills


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What makes a successful online learner?

Although online learning is flexible and convenient, it can also be challenging if you do not develop skills that are required to utilise this learning tool. For instance, the following are some of the skills you need to develop in order to enhance your online learning experience:  

1- Persistence, which could be one of the biggest keys to success in online learning. It is important to reflect on how to persist when faced with technical problems or any other challenges related to your programme of study. Do you seek assistance when faced with such challenges?

2- Time management, which is not only a question of how much time you give to your study but also how well you use that time. It is important you manage your time systematically by prioritising the most important tasks, plan what/when you need to achieve these tasks and manage distractions such as being distracted by messages from friends and family. When studying online, it is important to focus on using your phone, computer for study purposes and not be distracted by games or using social media platforms such as Facebook to chat about things irrelevant to your study.

3- Technical skills, online learning requires you to develop technical skills ranging from creating and sharing online documents, accessing your module page on Black Board and using communication applications such as Ms Teams and Zoom. It is important that you are aware where to seek assistance at the university to seek assistance when facing technical problems or need to develop your skills.

4- Selfmotivation, online learning requires you to develop confidence to create your own study plans and make decisions regarding your study and assessment. It is important to identify ways that suit you to work on your own and where to seek assistance we needed.


Reflecting on the skills mentioned above, identify the skills that you would need to develop to enhance your online learning experience and describe their importance in this process.