
Vaccinator, volunteer and all-round inspiration


Vaccinator, volunteer and all-round inspiration

Since qualifying as an NMC-registered nurse in September 2019, Dellanie Nash, BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Learning (Adult Nursing) 2019, has continued to push herself, sacrificing her time and energy to support the NHS and local community. She was one of the first to put herself forward as a COVID-19 vaccinator, working on the frontline, while supporting her young daughter at home through her cancer battle. With an incredibly positive attitude in the face of adversity, Dellanie is a true inspiration and a real Christ Church hero!

When COVID-19 hit, you decided to be a fighting force in tackling the pandemic, why did you decide to volunteer as a vaccinator?

It didn’t take long for me to decide to get involved in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The pandemic is a world problem and to mobilise the world, it starts with individuals like me who were/are in the position to make a real difference. It involved sacrificing time, all my weekends for 18 months. This meant not seeing my family. But we were able to take the positives from the situation, and I made sure I spent quality time with my family whenever possible. I got 100% support from my husband, my children, parents, in-laws, friends and work colleagues. I managed to build friendships with fellow vaccinators and the camaraderie is phenomenal.

Given the nature of being a vaccinator, how did you manage your anxiety about COVID-19?

Yes, there were a lot of apprehension regarding catching COVID-19, especially as I have my daughter Maya at home, who is a high-risk child. I took all the precautions (mask, hand washing/gel/social distancing/ventilation etc) at all times and ensured I was up-to-date with the guidance and training. I am a very positive-minded person hence instead of worrying about things beyond my control, I shift my energy to constantly do what I can with what I have and where I am. 

Where do you find your inspiration?

My daughter Maya, who has been on a precarious cancer journey, inspires me the most. Indeed, we beat cancer ‘by how we live and in the manner in which we live’ (quote from Stuart Scott).

On 5 April 2017, while I was studying at Christ Church, our family was turned upside down after our then 3-year old daughter Maya was diagnosed with an aggressive form of childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma in her left adrenal. It is an aggressive childhood cancer, 50% of children treated for the cancer relapse, after which their chance of survival reduces to just 10%.

Unfortunately, Maya’s tumour spread to several parts of her body and over a 3-year period,  she endured toxic treatments in the UK which included many cycles of chemotherapy, surgery, stem cell transplant, high-dose chemotherapy, radiotherapy, differentiation therapy and immunotherapy.

I worked with the Solving Kid’s Cancer charity, to establish the Maya Nash Appeal to raise £199,000 to help her access ground-breaking treatment in New York which could help prevent any a future relapse. 

How do you manage to stay positive?

Naturally we were (and still are) distraught. But the negative feelings never stay long with us, we never allow it. For us, hope is important right now because it can make the challenging present moment less difficult to bear. By believing that tomorrow will be better, we can bear the hardship today. Never-ending optimism is the foundation of our courage. Some folks go through life pleased that the glass is half full. Others spend a lifetime lamenting that it’s half-empty. The truth is: there is a glass with a certain volume of liquid in it. So from there, it’s really up to you!

How, on top of all your work and personal commitments, do you find time to support and inspire the next generation of medical students?

I enjoy volunteering for Christ Church – it is a fun sociable way of giving something to a university which had such an impact on my life – as well as making a difference to the lives of others and helping individuals and the community in a selfless way. I feel valued being part of the team, therefore providing me with a healthy boost to my self-confidence, self-esteem, satisfaction, accomplishment, sense of pride and identity. I am hoping that my professional skills and knowledge can benefit others too.

Finally what does the future hold for you?

Since qualifying, I am now specialised in Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity Management for our patients in our GP surgery. I am also one of the Learning Disability Champions at our practice. I am doing a lot of short courses to gain competence and skills for Heart Failure and Menopause (Women’s Health).  The epidemics of diabetes and obesity is directly contributing to the rising number of heart failure patients. In addition, there seems to be a huge gap in knowledge surrounding women’s health, and the stigma attached to ageing in women. It is a challenging but exciting time for Practice Nurses (like me) as there has been an increasing trend for higher demands for advanced nurses due to GP shortages. Indeed, I am lifetime learner.

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16 comments on “Vaccinator, volunteer and all-round inspiration

  1. This woman is above all with her ability to do so much, she is one in a million, she always a happy person dispite any ups or downs in her life, god bless her hope she has good life.

  2. We couldn’t agree more Clive! Thanks for taking the time to read her story and comment.

  3. I am very proud to be her mother and she is very independent and a happy person. During her high school/ college days she was always the team
    Leader and her schoolmates/ classmates believed in her ability and her capacity to do multi task and very organized and very studious

  4. I believe I was Practice Nurse Dellanie’s first patient! During subsequent visits to the surgery, I was highly impressed by Dellanie’s professional care and attention as well as by her positivity and cheerfulness; also by her thoroughness when she arranged tests for a condition for which I’d had no usual symptoms and was, therefore, completely unaware I had! Throughout my following successful curative treatment for low grade, low volume prostate cancer, Dellanie and the rest of the team could not have been more helpful, efficient and proficient.

    I’ve met a lot of people during my life but can say that Dellanie is the sort of person you only meet ‘Once in a Blue Moon’. She firmly believes that you take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person… remaining cheerful and endlessly positive, because things do get better.

    With family and work, Dellanie probably has little time for herself, but outside of work time I share some common interests and hobbies with both her and her husband, Terry, so I am writing this both as her patient – and as a personal friend. I’m proud and privileged to know her.

    I wish Dellanie and her family the very best in everything they undertake.

  5. Dellanie is a close friend and I have seen her achieve highly in everything she has studied over the years, ultimately qualifying as a nurse. She is passionately dedicated to her work and is extremely insightful as well as compassionate. She constantly strives to keep learning and to specialise. She always has time for her family and friends too.

  6. Dellanie Nash has thoroughly impressed me with her professional and very friendly manner. She is an incredibly dedicated person and is unsurpassed in her capacity as a nurse. She is a true star of the NHS. I can only hope. and wish that her employer recognises or will recognise her dedication and commitment to her job accordingly!

  7. It’s definitely a pleasure to work together with Dellanie. She is always cheerful and helpful. She has endless energy in life and and work. I enjoy working with her and also spend time with her outside work.

  8. As a fellow childhood cancer parent , this woman is a legend and has been over the tops in her help with me . She’s just the best

  9. Dellanie is my work colleague. she is definitely an inspiration to all. She sees the silver lining in every hardship she endures; she is also very dedicated at her job despite having family commitment. She goes above and beyond to ensure that all her patients receive the best, holistic care. She is also a selfless individual who enjoys spreading her knowledge to anyone who needs it and she likes to support people around to reach their maximum potential and excel as much as she does. She’s very easygoing so she very likeable and gets along well with everyone

  10. I worked with Dellanie as a Covid vacciantor and this was the first time I had met her. To say that this beautiful lady is an inspiration is an understatement and that is in all aspects of the life, from being a strong mother literally fighting for her daughter’s life, knowing that something wasn’t right and not settling until she had answers, then the charity work she had to do to get her daughter to get treatment abroad. She then went on to help by taking part in the Covid Vaccination campaign, giving up her valuable precious time to help others to protect themselves and loved ones, always very reassuring and fun. I have never met anyone before who always has a smile on her face! Dellanie is a pleasure to know, an inspiration and a beautiful soul.

  11. I first met Dellanie when I was volunteering at the covid vaccination Centre. She immediately makes an impression with her positive, friendly and exuberant personality! I have come to realise since knowing her better what a truly all round talented and inspirational person she is and how she strives to make the world a better place for everyone. I feel very lucky to count her as a friend

  12. I work with Nurse Dellanie and I think she is the most kindhearted, selfless person I have ever met. Dellanie never puts her own needs before that of anyone else. She has a beautiful soul

  13. I loved working alongside Dellanie at the local vaccination centre. She always has a huge welcoming smile, which helps patients feel at ease. She went out of her way to make the volunteers feel like valued members of the team. Her enthusiasm for life, work, family, friends and learning is inspiring.

  14. Dellanie is an inspiration to all who know her and a great role model for her children to follow.
    She never stops wanting to learn more and be of value and cheerful and gives more back to the community than she ever takes.
    She never forgets to enjoy herself when she can and likes nothing more than to be out with her family and doggy.

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