
Alumni profile: Pablo Meson


Alumni profile: Pablo Meson

Pablo Meson has recently completed his BSc in Computing, and is looking forward to the next stage of his career journey. We spoke to him about his time at Christ Church, his advice to prospective students and why staying connected to the alumni community is so important to him.

Why did you decide to study at Christ Church and why specifically your course?

I have always been interested in studying a subject related to computers and programming, and this course has allowed me to learn new areas about it. Besides, Christ Church offered me support in ways to deal with difficulties that I might have. Plus, the modules I studied included additional materials to support my learning.

As an international student Christ Church offered me a programme that helped me to safeguard the language differences, as well as the module difficulties at the beginning of my course.

During my third year, I was involved in the GradForce programme, which has allowed me to boost my confidence into applying to more specific roles, as well as preparing myself towards Interviews. GradForce has helped me to grow on a professional aspect in addition to a personal level.

What was the most important learning point you took with you from your time here? And the most surprising thing about your course?

The most relevant point and surprising aspect I took on my time at Christ Church, and in the UK, was  the time I was given to study and prepare towards the assessments and exams. I was used to lectures 5 days a week (Monday to Friday), whereas at Christ Church I only had 3 days per week, which allowed me to focus more I my modules and organise myself around my study.

What advice would you give to a prospective student considering studying the same programme as you?

My advice would be to focus on each module little by little; in other words, to consider each module as a different challenge, and not to mix each module with one another, which might lead to misunderstanding. Moreover, I would recommend organising their study time and more importantly, to enjoy what they study.

How did your time at Christ Church support your career journey?

My time at Christ Church has allowed me to obtain a new perspective and different points of view in different aspects, due to the diversity of people I studied with.

I believe these interactions and perspectives will allow me to understand my future colleagues and to develop an incredible career and a professional journey.

How do you plan to use the skills and knowledge you gained during the programme within your career going forward?

I can apply these skills to develop the tasks and projects that I have been given. In other words, I apply my existing skills to complete my work in the most effective way, as well as to develop new ideas and new skills.

I love to practise and use the knowledge I have obtained on my degree, as well as seeing that my knowledge can be used in several situations outside of University projects. Moreover, I enjoy new challenges as it is a way to test myself and discover that I am capable of using my knowledge at my workplace.

In what way is remaining connected to your alumni network important to you?

It is important to stay connected in order to share knowledge and be able to help one another in different situations. Moreover, it is relevant to stay connected to be able to reference to our alumni network, so we can help each other to grow personally and professionally.  

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