
Alumni profile: Holly Barrow, Talent Engagement Executive, shares her advice


Alumni profile: Holly Barrow, Talent Engagement Executive, shares her advice

Deciding on what to study can be a hard choice. Then there can be difficult decisions about what career path to take and how to get your foot on the ladder. We spoke to Talent Engagement Executive at Konexo UK, alumna Holly Barrow (LLB (Hons) Bachelor of Law with Criminology 2018) about her time at Christ Church, her advice to current students and her top tips on how to stand out at interview.

Why did you decide to study at Christ Church and why specifically your course?

What initially drew me to Canterbury Christ Church was the beautiful city, I loved the cathedral and cobbled streets. The university felt slightly smaller than others I had visited which I loved, it had a real personal feel, and I loved the fact it was spread out amongst the city. When I first went to the Law talk again it felt really personal, I found the module options really interesting and the lecturers were so enthusiastic and friendly. I would say what sold Christ Church to me however was being able to study Law with Criminology and still get a qualifying Law degree. I hadn’t really seen this elsewhere and it really stood out.

What advice would you give to a prospective student considering studying the same programme as you?

Firstly, you are going to have the best time! Throw yourself in to as much as possible, I joined the Law Society and got involved in the CLOCK programme, there are so many opportunities. 

Don’t be afraid to talk to your lecturers and ask for additional support, they are there to help you and so supportive.

Finally, go to your seminars and do the work, you don’t realise how helpful they are until your trying to cram for exams.

How did your time at Christ Church support your career journey?

I learnt so much during my time at Christ Church, not just from my course but things about myself. I had the opportunity to attend lots of networking events and speaking to various Lawyers and professionals helped my identify the direction I wanted to go in. 

What do you enjoy most about your current work?

I speak to Lawyers from all different walks of life on a daily basis. I love constantly meeting and talking to new people and supporting them in finding their next working opportunity. 

What is your advice for new graduates on how they can stand out during the recruitment process and what do you most look for in new talent?

  • If you don’t already have one, create a LinkedIn profile and become an active user. 
  • Keep up to date with current affairs and be comfortable discussing them in interviews.
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities, join your course society and have something other than your degree to talk about from your time at university.
  • If you can get legal work experience or a vacation scheme do, this will definitely help you stand out.

What are your top interview tips?

  • For virtual interviews, learn how to use MS Teams and use a background filter. Just because it is online it is still really important to come across as professional as possible.
  • Have a bottle of water with you, don’t be afraid to take pauses, and try not to speak too fast.
  • Make yourself aware of any current affairs at the time and have an opinion on them.
  • Don’t panic and just be yourself!
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Comment on “Alumni profile: Holly Barrow, Talent Engagement Executive, shares her advice

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us Holly, and some great tips there for our current students

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